the torres’ | family | san juan capistrano

how adorable of a family are the torres’?? i had captured photos of them as a family of three and this year, they added a new family member! i love seeing how families grow and am so grateful to see the little ones grow into their personalities. little aven isn’t as little anymore and has the cutest personality and is such a good big brother to baby asher. asher is one of the happiest babies i’ve met and his chunkiness is amazing…i just wanna bite him!

here are some of my favorite captures of the torres’ family portrait lifestyle session in san juan capistrano:

click here to inquire more information about engagement, family, lifestyle, and/or weddings packages.


January 1, 2015 - 3:08 pm

Monique Where in San Juan is this gorgeous area?! I would love to explore with my family! Thanks!

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